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5 Steps to Create an Engaging Social Media Business Account

Written by Kara Campuzano on May. 12th, 2022
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Everyone knows that if you are selling a product or service, you need to have a social media account. What they don’t tell you, is how much time and strategic content planning it can take to simply get someone to just “like” your post. 

Many business owners like yourself, feel stressed out about what to post that will gain the most visibility, and exhausted from posting day after day and not seeing any ROI. I’m here to tell you, that life can be much simpler if you just follow these five steps to creating an engaging social media account. 

#1. CONTENT: Create content that connects with your audience. Professional photography and videography are critical. If you are using cell phone photography, make sure that it’s not blurry and has appropriate lighting.

#2. EMOTIONS: Be emotional in your posts. This will create a connection with your audience. It can be exciting, it can be sad, but most importantly, it’s how your business connects to that emotion and how that emotion connects with your audience. One of the best ways of using emotions is to create videos. Instagram Reels and TikTok are great platforms for short-form videos. Nothing sells emotion more than seeing it! Your client or potential client wants to feel personally connected to you as a human, not a bot.

#3. AUTHENTICITY: Be authentic and “real” with your viewers. Again, we are all humans and now, more than ever, we crave human-to-human interaction. If you are authentic with your audience, you build trust with them. Trust equals sales.

#4. EDUCATION: Use your skillset/expertise to educate your audience. If you are a realtor, offer advice on how to properly stage a home. If you are an esthetician offer education on why it’s important for daily skincare routines. If you short authority on the subject it builds trust. And referring back to step number three, trust equals sales.

#5. BRAND CONSISTENCY: Create a brand with matching color tones and quality photos. Your infographics should be consistent with your business’s branding. The tone of voice should also be consistent with your brand and with whom your business serves.  

Trust me when I say that I know social media can be daunting. Social media changes all the time when it comes to their algorithms and business marketing and advertising options. And sometimes, it’s just best to leave it up to a professional to manage these changes and to expect the unexpected.

And remember to keep this in mind; it’s not the quantity of the followers, it’s the quality.

Kara Campuzano

Kara Campuzano

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