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From the desk of Representative Paul Evans

Written by Paul Evans on Jul. 17th, 2024

One of our community's most significant challenges is finding and maintaining balance in our  decision-making. As a state legislator, I'm deeply committed to an open, thoughtful, and  transparent policy development process. I understand that every decision involves trade-offs,  and I'm dedicated to finding the right balance between the quality…

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From the Desk of Representative Tracy Cramer

Written by Tracy Cramer on Jun. 25th, 2024

As we enter into a campaign year, voters are going to have a big opportunity to address the most pressing issues impacting them and their families. As I have been traveling around the district talking to workers, families, business owners, and local leaders, the concern over public safety has stuck out like a sore thumb.

When people talk about public safe…

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From the Desk of Nick Hunter

Written by Nick Hunter, Sheriff on May. 20th, 2024

On June 30, 2023, I was unanimously appointed by the Marion County Board of Commissioners to be the 41st Sheriff of Marion County.  It is an honor to serve as your Sheriff and address our community needs through communication, active listening, responsivity, and focusing on identifying the root of problems as opposed to reacting to the symptoms. &n

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From the Desk of Salem Keizer School Board Director, Satya Chandragiri MD

Written by Satya Chandragiri MD on Feb. 27th, 2024

It would be naïve on our part to think that everything will fall in place after the perfect storm that we all endured- COVID- 19 pandemic, social and economic disruption, social unrest, political polarization, and worldwide turmoil. While the world seemed to fall apart, I also witnessed acts of courage, love, and compassion from our teachers, school staf

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From The Desk Of Marion County Commissioner Colm Willis

Written by Colm Willis on Feb. 8th, 2024

The other day, I saw a headline in the Willamette Week titled, “The State’s Leading Psychiatrist Says Oregon’s Approach to Mental Health is Wrong.” In the article, the newspaper interviewed the Chair of the Department of Psychiatry at Oregon Health and Sciences University. Intrigued, I continued reading and discovered that this academic’s big id

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State Senator Deb Patterson

Written by Deb Patterson on Jul. 12th, 2023

As an Oregon State Senator in SD 10, representing South and West Salem, Monmouth, and Independence, I am proud to have helped pass several bills in the 2023 legislative session to grow Oregon’s economy. These include key bipartisan bills which expand access to childcare, incentivize affordable housing development, address homelessness, and invest i…

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