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Rising Star: Shane Matthews

Written by Christian Hansen on Jul. 17th, 2024

Shane Matthews, a prominent real estate broker and recently elected member of the Salem City Council, has made significant strides in both his professional and community-focused endeavors. His journey from an at-risk youth to a successful business owner and public servant is a testament to his resilience and dedication.

Looking back at his professional ba…

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Black Leaders Pave the Way for Generational Prosperity

Written by Carlin Croff on Jul. 17th, 2024

In less than a year, the Be Blac Foundation awarded $74,000 in grants to Black-owned businesses in the Salem area. This month, they celebrate another $33,500 in grants that will continue to vitalize a diverse and economically advancing community.

The Be Blac Foundation offers grants and business development resources to Black-owned businesses in the Salem…

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From the desk of Representative Paul Evans

Written by Paul Evans on Jul. 17th, 2024

One of our community's most significant challenges is finding and maintaining balance in our  decision-making. As a state legislator, I'm deeply committed to an open, thoughtful, and  transparent policy development process. I understand that every decision involves trade-offs,  and I'm dedicated to finding the right balance between the quality…

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Small Businesses in Oregon Express Concerns Over Prescription Drug Board’s Approach

Written by Wyatt Jones on Jun. 25th, 2024

Small businesses across Oregon are raising alarms about the Oregon Prescription Drug Affordability Board’s (PDAB) current strategies and practices, emphasizing potential negative impacts on their operations and employees. These businesses, often already operating on thin margins, rely heavily on affordable healthcare options to maintain workforce health

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Middle Market Optimism Surges, Small Businesses Remain Cautious, Umpqua Bank Report Finds

Written by Zev Glass on Jun. 25th, 2024

In a comprehensive study conducted by Umpqua Bank, the 2024 Business Barometer reveals a significant divergence in optimism and strategic planning between middle-market companies and small businesses in the United States. Released on June 13, 2024, the report underscores a marked increase in confidence among middle market companies, while small businesses

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The Four Pillars of Sales Tech: How To Optimize Your Sales Process

Written by James Alberson on Jun. 25th, 2024

I see four areas that require attention. We can think of these areas as four pillars – four critical supports that the most effective sales leaders take full advantage of. Building a team without taking advantage of all four pillars is, in my view, a strategic mistake.

The first pillar is sales process, which is what I’ll be looking at in this ar…

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Salem Business Legacy: Dalke Construction – A Century of Integrity and Community Engagement

Written by Wyatt Jones on Jun. 25th, 2024

The city of Salem has long been defined by its robust business community and the leaders who shape its future. Among these influential entities is Dalke Construction, a company that not only stood the test of time but also flourished through a steadfast commitment to integrity and hard work - a legacy commenced in 1919. Recently honored with the prestigio

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From the Desk of Representative Tracy Cramer

Written by Tracy Cramer on Jun. 25th, 2024

As we enter into a campaign year, voters are going to have a big opportunity to address the most pressing issues impacting them and their families. As I have been traveling around the district talking to workers, families, business owners, and local leaders, the concern over public safety has stuck out like a sore thumb.

When people talk about public safe…

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Salem Rising Star: Matthew Miller of Miller’s BBQ Wins Hearts and “New Business of the Year” Award

Written by Wyatt Jones on Jun. 25th, 2024

From managing logistics and facilities to masterminding a barbecue haven, Matthew Miller, owner of Miller’s BBQ, has transitioned from the corporate sphere to the heart of Salem’s culinary scene. This pivot might seem like a leap to some, but for Miller, it’s a well-calculated stride into a realm where community service and entrepreneurship meld int

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Salem Rising Star: Trevor Howard, Top Young Real Estate Investor

Written by Luis Ramirez on May. 22nd, 2024

Trevor Howard was named the Salem Business Journal’s Rising Star as a Real Estate professional making significant moves in the community.

Howard is a local, growing up in Keizer and going to high school at Blanchet Catholic. Upon graduating, he played basketball at Linfield before giving up basketball and transferring to Oregon State to study engineerin…

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