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Supreme Court ruling on Homeless Camping Restrictions finds Oregon on the Outside Looking in

Written by Rick Metsger on Jul. 17th, 2024

Sleepless in Seattle? Or, how about Los Angeles, Sacramento or Boise? Issues surrounding if, where and when homeless individuals are allowed to camp on public property has resurfaced now that the United States Supreme Court has overturned a landmark 9th Circuit ruling that had declared camping ordinances like the ones in Boise, Idaho, and Grants Pass, Ore

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End of Free Parking in Downtown Salem Gathers Momentum

Written by Luis Ramirez on Jul. 17th, 2024

Free downtown parking in Salem may be nearing an end as the city is planning a change to the area with a new plan from city officials.

Downtown businesses currently foot the bill for parking in downtown as this money goes towards maintenance and upkeep for the spaces.

“What we have in common is that we have a regular healthy turnover of those parking…

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Salem Business & Political Roundtable: Rethinking State Housing Strategies with a Focus on Human Dignity

Written by Promise King on Mar. 20th, 2024

The recent legislative endeavors to address Oregon's housing crisis are marked by an influx of financial investment and nods to cultural initiatives but lack meaningful substance. Many of these proposals overlook innovative approaches to housing affordability and miss crucial opportunities for investments in construction workforce training - a pivotal fac

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Salinas Talks Immigration, Farm Bill, and More at Salem Forum

Written by George Plaven on Mar. 19th, 2024

In a closely divided Congress with razor-thin majorities in both chambers, U.S. Rep. Andrea Salinas (D-Ore.) emphasized the need for bipartisanship to deliver results on the country’s most pressing issues - including immigration, border security, and passing a new Farm Bill that provides a greater safety net for agricultural producers reeling from nat

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Enhancing Transparency and Consumer Protection in Real Estate: Analyzing House Bill 4058

Written by Chris Christiansen on Mar. 14th, 2024

In a significant move towards transparency and consumer protection in the real estate sector, the House Committee on Housing and Homelessness voted in favor (4-0, 1 Excused) of House Bill 4058 on Thursday, February 22nd. This bill, which originated from the REALTORS® association, aims to address key concerns within the industry, merging elements from the

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Capital for a Capitol Host City Gains Momentum

Written by Rick Metsger on Mar. 7th, 2024

The economic and social impacts of having a state capitol located in your city has long been a discussion topic of elected officials and local municipalities. Faced with a significant budget shortfall in the years ahead, the City of Salem is exploring all options to fill a funding gap estimated to be at least $14 million in the next fiscal year, and escal

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Legislators Unveil Plan to Fight Addiction

Written by George Plaven on Feb. 8th, 2024

Oregon lawmakers are homing in on a set of proposals to combat the state’s drug addiction crisis, including expanding access to treatment and reimposing criminal penalties for possessing small amounts of hard drugs.

The Legislature will consider House Bill 4002 during this year’s short session beginning Feb. 5. A framework for the bill was unveiled pu…

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Finding Common Ground on Measure 110

Written by George Plaven on Jan. 9th, 2024

Oregon lawmakers will be seeking solutions to fix the state’s controversial voter-approved drug decriminalization law when they convene for the upcoming short legislative session on Feb. 5.

The question is whether there is enough common ground to address the law’s shortcomings. Legislators’ goal will be striking a balance between draconian punishmen…

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Oregon’s Legislative Agenda: Drug Decriminalization and Housing in Focus

Written by Luis Ramirez on Dec. 13th, 2023

The Oregon State Legislature will reconvene in January, followed shortly thereafter by a Legislative Short Session. Measure 110, at the forefront after the controversial bill was passed in 2020, decriminalized the possession of small amounts of hard drugs including cocaine, heroin, and methamphetamine.

“I wasn’t in on the initial conversations, but I …

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