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Award-Winning Journalist and Policy Leader Enhances Salem Business Journal Team

Written by Luis Ramirez on Dec. 14th, 2023
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The Salem Business Journal is thrilled to welcome Promise King, a notable writer and editor, as its latest columnist. Currently holding the position of Executive Director of the Oregon League of Minority Voters, King’s extensive background in journalism and policy significantly enriches the publication’s expertise. His journalistic journey includes pivotal roles at several Portland-based newspapers, such as the Portland Observer, The Scanner, and The Portland Tribune.

King’s global upbringing began in Nigeria, where he was born to a diplomatic father. His formative years were spent across five countries, culminating in a college education in London. This international experience eventually led him to the United States, settling in the Portland area, where he embarked on a career in journalism.

King’s entry into the world of journalism was marked by his role as a City Hall Reporter at the Portland Observer. There, he covered crucial topics like economic development, transportation, and minority business issues. His subsequent work at The Scanner, where he excelled as both reporter and editor, and his involvement with the Northwest Minority newspaper organization, further cemented his reputation as a dedicated journalist.

Reflecting on his career trajectory, King shares, “It has been a journey filled with learning and purpose. My educational background in journalism and public policy has always driven me to pursue truth, justice, and fairness.”

King’s career also ventured into the political realm. He served the Oregon State Legislature as Chief of Staff and as a policy advisor for the Oregon State Treasurer. “In my work, I’ve focused on advocating for justice and promoting unity,” King states. “Navigating through a world of diverse perspectives, my aim has been to strike a balance that strengthens our collective resolve.”

In his role at the Oregon League of Minority Voters and as a journalist, King is deeply committed to advocating for minority communities and their influence in Oregon. “My writing is not just about informing but about making a real impact and driving change,” he asserts. He is consistently seeking answers to pivotal questions: “How can we improve business relationships? Where is the common ground for adaptation and consensus? Most importantly, how can we foster a business environment that ensures prosperity for everyone?”

King’s achievements include being recognized as one of the top columnists for a non-daily newspaper. His commitment extends globally, with advocacy work in Africa. He shares a poignant saying from his heritage: “When two elephants fight, it is the forest that suffers. In Oregon’s landscape of diverse opinions, I stand as an independent thinker, committed not to any party, but to the unyielding pursuit of truth.”

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