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From the Desk of Kevin Cameron. Ascending to New Heights: The Economic Power of our Airports

Written by Marion County Commissioner Kevin Cameron, Chair on Nov. 21st, 2024
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As a longtime resident of Marion County, I’ve witnessed the incredible expansion and economic growth across our community firsthand. There are many contributing factors and areas I could highlight, but today, I want to discuss the critical role that our local airports, both the Salem Airport and Aurora State Airport, play in the economic growth and vitality of our region. These two airports are more than just transportation gateway— they are engines that drive our community forward.

With commercial flights now offered out of Salem to both Las Vegas, Nevada and Burbank, California, Salem Airport provides residents with the convenience to stay local instead of driving to Eugene or Portland for these flights. It’s also a major hub for business aviation, providing convenient access for local business leaders and making Salem an attractive destination for business development. Ease of access is fundamental in fostering business growth, attracting investment, and creating more family wage jobs.

Beyond business, the airport supports a thriving general aviation community, including flight training, aircraft maintenance, and recreational flying. The most exciting of these is the new CTEC aviation program allowing Salem-Keizer School District students to learn to fly in state-of-the-art simulators, preparing them for careers as pilots, mechanics and other aviation-adjacent careers. These activities contribute greatly to our local economy. 

Often overlooked, the Aurora State Airport is also an important asset to our region. It offers a wide range of services and is the third busiest airport in the state. As the largest state-owned airport, it’s also a hub for business aviation and flight training. It supports numerous local businesses who have invested private resources that increase local tax bases.

In the case of emergency response in a major natural disaster, the Aurora State Airport may also be utilized as a primary site to distribute resources and supplies to the county. It is home to two of the world’s largest helicopter service companies, and if you ever need Life Flight in an emergency, they are housed there.

Both these regional airports face challenges as cities grow around them, but we must recognize the valuable services and economic contributions they contribute to us all.

By continuously investing in our airports, we are investing in the future of Marion County. Modernizing our facilities, expanding services, and attracting new businesses will help us to position ourselves as a premier destination for economic development.

Marion County has always been committed to working with local, state, and federal partners to support and enhance our airports to unlock the full potential of these community assets and create a brighter future for generations to come.

Marion County Commissioner Kevin Cameron, Chair

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