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Kingdom City Coffeehouse: Brewing More Than Just Coffee in the Heart of Salem

Written by Luis Ramirez on Jan. 9th, 2024
Featured Image photo for Kingdom City Coffeehouse: Brewing More Than Just Coffee in the Heart of Salem

Kingdom City Coffeehouse is the latest addition to the downtown scene in Salem.

Owners Devin and Rebecca Brown opened the coffee shop in the fall and have quickly developed a following in the community. 

Their love for coffee was first developed while Devin was teaching in France. 

 “I really fell in love when I was in France in 2011,” Devin Brown said. “When I went to a coffee shop and had a tiny shot of coffee that was amazing. I was up all night, but ever since then, I had to find good coffee.”

The coffeehouse becomes one of the newest businesses in Salem with ethnically diverse ownership, as Devin is of African-American descent.

“There’s a foundation for businesses of color that provides opportunities and funding, building relationships with other businesses and it’s been incredible,” Devin Brown said. “What they’re doing is phenomenal. Meeting other businesses of color has been great.”

The couple was also motivated to have the coffee shop become a youth development center where young people would be able to work and learn professional skills in the workplace. They wanted to provide them with customer service experience.

“We want to create an environment where we’re the bridge from where they’re at and teaching them professional skills to get them to other jobs,” Brown said. “It doesn’t have to be long term; it can be short term. We’ll work on their resume and other skills to get them ready in a coffee shop environment.”

The couple leaned on their faith to come up with the name and wanted to serve the community. 

“We are a Christian coffee shop, but that doesn’t mean we only serve Christians, we are just faith-based,” Brown said. “We believe in Jesus Christ and part of his mission was serving his community. Stepping outside of the comfort zone as business owners and building bridges between different races is our calling as Christians.”

The business is in the former Fast Repair shop and features an open concept with several tables spread out to give customers space to gather with their friends and family. The location is in a highly visible space in the growing downtown scene. 

They also wanted to create a welcoming and inviting space for people to come in and do work or just hang out.

“This location was not our first choice, but it worked out and we finally settled on it after some other doors closed,” Brown said. “I didn’t realize they were building apartments nearby. This area is growing.”

Their coffee comes from Weekend Coffee Roasters in Albany, which is also a faith-based business. 

“What sold us on their beans is they’re a Brazilian blend, which serves a farm and helps bruised and battered women get off the streets and gain some stability by providing job opportunities and good wages,” Brown said. “When you buy coffee here, you’re partnering with a mission to help these women who are vulnerable.”

Kingdom City Coffeehouse currently serves a light food menu including waffles, cakes, and scones. They hope to expand their offerings in the future. 

“That’s why we named it coffee house because when you’re here, you’re a guest in our home.”

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