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Las Cuatas Lokas Uses Social Media to Grow Business

Written by Luis Ramirez on Mar. 21st, 2023
Featured Image photo for Las Cuatas Lokas Uses Social Media to Grow Business

The business started as a love for Mexican candy and an effort to replicate a recipe before blowing up on social media amongst the backdrop of the pandemic.

Las Cuatas Lokas, which means The Crazy Twins in Spanish, was started by 13-year-old twins in Salem. They were fans of Pica Pica and wanted to find a way to create their own recipe.

“They wanted to make candy just for themselves,” their mother Roxana Gonzalez Soliz said. “They wanted something with more chamoy in it and started playing with different recipes and would have family members try their recipes. We finally came up with one where we all enjoyed it.”

Once they had created the recipe they most enjoyed, they began finding a way to start selling it. They settled on the name, and it became a family affair. The twins think of and create the recipes, Roxana makes it, and their sister runs their social media account.

“The twins come up with a lot of ideas and come to me with their ideas,” Gonzalez Soliz said. “I help them make the stuff. They created it and it has become a family thing. I think what helped them is that they are different, creative, and original in their own way. They’re themselves and that’s what people like.”

Las Cuatas Lokas started with an Instagram account and quickly began gaining followers and popularity. The family decided to start doing pop-up shops at farmer’s markets and swap meets.

“It started as a game and then started gaining so many followers and giving them positive feedback,” Gonzalez Soliz said. “They are still in high school, so this is their part-time job.”

They didn’t think it would get as much attention as it did. Social media really helped take them to the next level as their TikTok account currently has 13.6 thousand followers and 159.1 thousand likes on that platform.

 The family now delivers products to customers all over the country. They have shipped to Alaska, New York, Texas, and Florida. 

Locally, you can find them in the Salem area and around the state. Most of their customers pick up their products locally, but they are available to ship wherever.

Their next event is a Valentine’s Pop-up on February 11 and 12 (3199 Lancaster Dr. NE, Salem), which will mark their one-year anniversary of doing pop-ups. 

“Right now they want to focus on school and their education, but they are planning on continuing doing this part-time, Gonzalez Soliz said. “Once they are of age and we find out what the future holds, we may open a store.”

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