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Rich Duncan Construction Celebrates VP of Operations’ 20th Anniversary

Written by Luis Ramirez on Apr. 9th, 2024
Featured Image photo for Rich Duncan Construction Celebrates VP of Operations’ 20th Anniversary

Nate Cook, Vice President of Operations at Rich Duncan Construction, recently celebrated his 20th anniversary with the company. Cook, a business partner at the firm, was honored with a celebration marking this significant milestone.

“We organized a social hour at Rudy’s, where Rich surprised him with a blue Corvette,” said Brooke Scott, Communications Coordinator at Rich Duncan. “The event was attended by friends, family, and colleagues from throughout the years. The surprise of the car was a highlight, creating a memorable moment for Nate.”

The gesture was Rich Duncan’s way of showing appreciation for his business partner of approximately 30 years. “He has been an indispensable ally for a long time. He once mentioned that when we hit our 20-year mark, we should get each other Corvettes,” Duncan explained. “Our company colors are blue, so it was fitting to surprise him with one.”

Duncan and Cook first crossed paths in 1996 when Duncan was embarking on his construction career. “Initially, he was my laborer, and I was a carpenter. He assisted me at my first job, and when I moved to another company, he followed. After he went to school, I started my own company. Upon his return, we resumed working together,” Duncan recounted.

Cook became a partner a few years after they began working together, their shared vision propelling the company to become one of the top construction firms in the area. “Our journey has been filled with shared experiences and a mutual commitment to our people and community, which has been key to our success,” Duncan stated.

The celebration offered a moment to reflect on their accomplishments. “As I start to step back, I know Nate has my back. Our complementary dynamics, his drive, and my more measured approach have been our strength,” Duncan added. “It feels like we’re family. It’s been an incredible journey,” said Cook.

This article has been edited for clarity, grammar, and adherence to AP Journalism standards, ensuring a professional tone and consistent American English usage.

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