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James Alberson

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The Four Pillars of Sales Technology – Part 1: Methodology

Written by James Alberson on Jul. 17th, 2024

In this series of articles about the four pillars of sales tech, this is the Part 1 of Pillar 2.  As you might recall, the overarching question is 🡺  What is the intersection between optimal sales leadership… and the optimal use of today’s technology?

At Sandler, we see four areas that sales leaders will want to pay attention to. In an ea…

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The Four Pillars of Sales Tech: How To Optimize Your Sales Process

Written by James Alberson on Jun. 25th, 2024

I see four areas that require attention. We can think of these areas as four pillars – four critical supports that the most effective sales leaders take full advantage of. Building a team without taking advantage of all four pillars is, in my view, a strategic mistake.

The first pillar is sales process, which is what I’ll be looking at in this ar…

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3 Tips for Buyer-Focused Conversations

Written by James Alberson on May. 22nd, 2024

If I could share and reinforce one and only skill with a sales team this year, it would be this one: make the conversation about the buyer, as opposed to about you.

In the realm of sales, there exists a singular skill that reigns supreme: the ability to center the conversation around the buyer rather than oneself. This art of consistently steering di…

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The ONE Easy-to-Fill Skill Gap Keeping Virtual Meetings From Turning Into Revenue

Written by James Alberson on Mar. 18th, 2024

Sales is a conversation between adults to uncover the truth.

At the end of the day, it’s all about initiating and supporting peer-to-peer conversations. But for too many salespeople, when it comes to virtual meetings, it seems like we're still a lot better at pushing buyers and influencers away than we are at drawing them in.  

We’re just…

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Is your sales team’s “Call to Action” repelling more buyers than it attracts?

Written by James Alberson on Feb. 8th, 2024

We’re all taught at some point that we need to ask for a Call to Action (CTA)– a request that the person we’re talking to commit to do something. And usually, we make that request. But how effectively?

The landscape has changed. The CTAs that worked a decade ago with a brand-new contact simply aren’t effective anymore. They don’t set us apart fr…

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