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Mark Long

Mark Long is the Vice President of Construction Policy and Regulatory Affairs at Pac/West Lobby Group.

More of Mark Long's Articles

Land, Housing and Workforce Front and Center in Oregon CHIPS Act

Written by Mark Long on Oct. 16th, 2023

Last session the Legislature passed Senate Bill 4 – Oregon’s version of the CHIPS Act to expand and create new development opportunities in manufacturing and the semi-conductor industry.  One aspect of the bill is a $190 million budget allocation that will be awarded to qualifying businesses. Another $50 million was set aside but must be reaffirmed â

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Legislature Working to Increase Construction Regulation Authority

Written by Mark Long on Jun. 14th, 2023

Construction bills in an Oregon legislative session are typically focused on prevailing wage,

apprenticeship, and public contracting. However, this year dollars in federal spending bills come

attached to their own set-in-stone standards.

Oregon legislative leaders are instead focusing their efforts on expanding state agency


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Legislature Working to Increase Construction Regulation Authority

Written by Mark Long on Jun. 7th, 2023

Construction bills in an Oregon legislative session are typically focused on prevailing wage,

apprenticeship, and public contracting. However, this year dollars in federal spending bills come

attached to their own set-in-stone standards.

Oregon legislative leaders are instead focusing their efforts on expanding state agency

enforcement powers and…

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