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Ryan Tribbett

The current president of Pac/West lobby group.

More of Ryan Tribbett's Articles

Committees Receive Progress Reports

Written by Ryan Tribbett on Oct. 13th, 2023

The Oregon Legislature welcomed fall with three days of committee meetings last week during Legislative Days. Committee chairs use these hearings primarily for informational updates and to learn about the progress of workgroups and projects that were launched in previous legislative sessions.

The discussions are wide-ranging, from top priorities like hous…

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Senate Moves Closer to Implosion

Written by Ryan Tribbett on Jun. 9th, 2023

The political stalemate in the Oregon Senate is showing no signs of breaking in time for a normal conclusion to the 2023 Legislative Session. If anything, leadership is moving further away from resolution by the day.

Republicans announced through a press release on Tuesday that their caucus would return on June 25 - the constitutional Sine Die - to pass “lawful, substantially bipartisan budgets and bills.” Democrats responded Wednesday with a press release of their own, calling the walkout unconstitutional and a power grab because it would give Republicans veto power…

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