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Are you getting enough vitamin D?

Written by Salem Health Community Health Education Center on May. 22nd, 2024

Most of us have been brought up with the old adage “an apple a day keeps the doctor away.” We know, of course, that eating an apple each day is not the only thing that will keep us healthy. The larger message is that being mindful about our nutrition can help keep us from getting sick as often.

More recently, our attention in that area …

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Had heart trouble? Six lifestyle changes to consider

Written by Salem Health Community Health Education Center on Mar. 25th, 2024

Lifestyle factors have a huge influence on your overall health as well as your risk for future cardiovascular issues. This list is probably nothing new, but that doesn't mean it's not important!

If you smoke, quit. Smoking damages your heart, lungs and blood vessels, and makes it harder for your body to repair itself. Eat a nutrient-rich, low-choles…
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Understanding Heart Attacks

Written by Salem Health Community Health Education Center on Feb. 8th, 2024

Heart attacks are sudden and terrifying. When every second counts, knowing what to do can mean the difference between life and death. The American Heart Association strongly urges calling 911 instead of driving to the hospital. A study published in the Circulation Journal by the American Heart Association found that for every 30 minutes saved durin…

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Make the right call:  Why 911 is faster and safer during heart attacks

Written by Salem Health Community Health Education Center on Jan. 9th, 2024

During a heart attack, time is critical. The longer the heart muscle goes without oxygen, the more damage can occur. That's why recognizing symptoms and calling 911 right away is so essential.

You might think driving to the hospital is faster. But calling 911 can save more time and, most importantly, save your life.

Immediate care from EMTs

When y…

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