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Victoria Hittner

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Barre None

Written by Victoria Hittner on May. 4th, 2022
Fitness studio barre3 brings empowerment, positivity to their workouts When Nicole White found herself driving to Lake Oswego multiple times a week, just to visit a barre3 fitness studio, she knew she’d found something special.  “The second I walked in, I was like, ‘This it. This is my thing. These are my people,’” said White.  White is a phar…
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Find Your “Y” at Thrive Healthy Kitchen Grab-and-go nourishment in Salem’s newest “living room”

Written by Victoria Hittner on Mar. 29th, 2022
When construction is completed this summer, the Family YMCA of Marion & Polk Counties will house more than just exercise equipment and meeting rooms. Staff members hope it will be a home, for all members of the community.   “I heard one of our staff describe it beautifully: Salem's living room. And I love that - that when you come in, there is a…
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