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Emerging Leader- June 2022

Written by Jacob Espinoza  on Jun. 13th, 2022
Featured Image photo for Emerging Leader- June 2022


  • Kyle Brouse


  • Insurance Agent, Salem Insurance Agency

How do you define leadership?

  • The ability to selflessly put others first in order to push forward for the greater good.

What accomplishment you are most proud of in the last 12 months? What obstacles did you have to overcome?

  • I’m most proud of betting on myself in the last year. I finally got over the self-doubt and negative self-talk and went all-in on myself. I am only now beginning to see the very start of the fruits, but I am very proud of myself and look forward to what’s next in my journey and sharing that with others.

 What has you most excited about Salem right now? Why?

  • I feel that Salem is in the beginning stages of a large transition. We have a large group of the ‘next generation’ that is excited about Salem, that sees the opportunities in Salem and the potential our community has. Many people are beginning to come together even more than ever and there’s something in the air. We’ll look back at this period of time in 10 years and recognize it as the beginning of the next step for Salem.

 What is one item under $50 you feel every Emerging Leader in Salem should own? Why?

  • A journal to take notes in. Not a note app, but a physical notebook/journal. Write down thoughts and ideas, interesting things that happen during the day, feelings, reflections, just write down. Then every month look back and re-read things. At the end of the month, and eventually years later it will be mind-blowing how many things can manifest, or that can still ring true.


Jacob Espinoza 

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