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is brought to you by:

Jacob Espinoza 

Leadership Foundation Program Director

CTEC Business Liasons Manager

503-409-7753 | https://salemchamber.org/ 

1110 Commercial St NE, Salem, OR

More of Jacob Espinoza 's Articles

Emerging Leader- June 2022

Written by Jacob Espinoza  on Jun. 13th, 2022
Name: Kyle Brouse  Title: Insurance Agent, Salem Insurance Agency How do you define leadership? The ability to selflessly put others first in order to push forward for the greater good. What accomplishment you are most proud of in the last 12 months? What obstacles did you have to overcome? I’m most proud of betting on myself in the las…
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Emerging Leader Spotlight

Written by Jacob Espinoza  on May. 12th, 2022
Name: David Qualls Title: Regional Sales Manager - The Parr Company How do you define leadership?  Serving, listening and learning. Doing these things help me be the best leader I can be. As a leader, I need to understand my people to help them find answers to their problems. Leadership is also bringing people together and maximizing everyone’s potenti…
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This month’s Emerging Leader Spotlight is Kelsey Oran of Hancock Commercial Real Estate.

Written by Jacob Espinoza  on Apr. 5th, 2022
This month’s Emerging Leader Spotlight is Kelsey Oran of Hancock Commercial Real Estate.     Name: Kelsey Oran   Title: Principal Broker & Partner at Hancock Commercial Real Estate   How do you define leadership?   I believe leadership is using one’s gifting’s to influence and elevate those around them. Leaders a…
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