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Dream Center: Two Decades of Empowering Salem’s Edgewater District

Written by Wyatt Jones on Jun. 25th, 2024

SALEM, Ore. - In the heart of Salem's Edgewater District, the Dream Center marks its 20th anniversary this year, celebrating two decades of significant impact in what was once known as "Felony Flats." Founded in 2004, this non-profit organization has transformed from a small group of committed individuals reaching out to local youth to a comprehensive s

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Oregon DEI: Dead or Alive?

Written by Promise King on Jun. 25th, 2024

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives in Oregon are dying a slow death.

Whether you support DEI or not, it is hard to ignore, the reticent tirades from the right and the knee-jerk reactions from the left. Many wonder about the future of DEI while reflecting on the complex interplay between historical exclusion and contemporary efforts toward …

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Giving Back: Catholic Community Services’ Legacy of Compassion

Written by Keaton Jones on May. 22nd, 2024

Established in 1938 during the Great Depression as a parish ministry of Saint Vincent de Paul Catholic Parish, Catholic Community Services (CCS) began by providing food, clothing, and employment support to struggling families. This focus on employment remains central to their mission today, 81 years later.

The organization's mission reflects its Christian…

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Marion Polk Food Share Served Record-high Numbers in 2023: “Nothing good happens when you’re hungry.”

Written by Naomi Yanike on Feb. 8th, 2024

In 2023, Marion Polk Food Share distributed a record-high 10 million pounds of food, providing $14 million in relief to 18,000 households monthly, another record high. 

In an interview with the Salem Business Journal, Marion Polk Food Share President and CEO Rick Gaupo discussed the changing landscape of food banks, economic trends causing record hun…

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Making a Difference: The Salvation Army and the transformative power of the Red Kettle program

Written by Ángela Andrada on Nov. 9th, 2023

The Salvation Army, internationally recognized for its philanthropic activities, serves as a beacon of hope, breaking down barriers and lending a hand to those most in need. A closer examination of their work, especially their response to individual crises, highlights the substantial influence they exert within the Salem community.

Consider the uplifting …

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